Friday, October 28, 2011

{Listing Our} Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-Jig

We own a place in the heart of SLC - you know, the 8.0.1. We adore our home. And for the past several years, we've had a really excellent tenant we equally adore. Bummer for us, our tenant is headed out early next year. But we're hopeful we'll find someone else just as great who's looking for a sweet place downtown.

The apartment will be available beginning February of 2012. It feels really early to be throwing this out there - but that may be partially due to the NYC-ification of Allison. I have grown accustomed to the idea that you are not to know where you are going to live until 1-2 days before you are to live there. Moving's such a carefree proposition as it is, NYC likes to spice it up a bit with uncertainty.

In the real world, it may still be a bit early. We plan to list it on and others in the coming weeks, but wanted to give preference to any personal referrals or connections in the meantime.

To check it out, feel free to visit the blog.


Natalie | Make Today Great said...

hmmm... do you allow puppies? Well one, puppy. A 20-pound pug, who has to date only ever had one accident in the house -- and that was 2 years ago.

Taylor Morgan said...

what a precious apartment! love it!

Kimber said...

Oh wow! I would totally want to live there ;) If only it was in New York!!