Thursday, April 10, 2008

My Dance Recital

Just a quick picture from the time I taught ballet...
Only I've never taught ballet. And that's NOT ME. Isn't that wild?

Noah's coworker noticed this in SelectHealth's marketing materials and said, "Hey Noah. Does this kind of look like the woman to whom you're lawfully wedded?"

So Noah sent it on to me, and the first thing that made me realize the woman in the picture was not me was the fact that I never put a bobby pin in my pony tail. No, no... not the fact that it's not actually my face. But the bobby pin. Naturally.


Quinn and Linds said...

You wanna know what tipped me off that it was not always wear your ponytail lower than that. Weird that I know that...

Anonymous said...

That is uncanny! As I read the first line I thought - "Gosh, I never knew Allison taught ballet!!!" How well do I really know you?

Brandon and Erica said...

haha. I thought it was you too! So, I immediately thought, "She plays violin, piano, AND ballet?" Amazing.
Well, even if it's not you...amazing.

But, thanks for the comment :-). And, I will help you conquer the whole "eradicated junk mail from gmail"...but from what I hear, we've got a long ways to go.

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

The look on her face just reminds me of you!! So weird. So weird!

Whitney Blake said...

That is wild. I thought the same, " I didn't know Al taught ballet... man that girl is talented"

Nicole said...

I didn't know it wasn't you until I read that it wasn't you. You'd be a perfect ballet instructor, so it made sense to me. :) I wonder if the woman in the picture looks completely UN-like you from the front. Hmmmm...

Merrell Family said...

I was actually thinking, "What doesn't she do?!" The similarities are amazing.

Natalie Que said...

Nat R. again. I too was wondering what skill you didn't master as a child! That is crazy, it could totally be you.

Kate said...

Oh my gosh, that is hilarious! And it looks SO much like you, I heard that everyone has a twin. It looks like you found yours!

Paco Belle said...

Totally thought it was you. Whit showed me the picture and I had various plans for distribution inside TSG...but then she burst that bubble saying it wasn't you. Curses, foiled again. You should maintain it is you, and then you and Paul can have something else to talk about.

Allison and Noah Riley said...

Nicole - actually, Noah searched around for another picture of the girl from the front, and you're right - she looks nothing like me when not in profile form. Still a little bizarro :)

Jen said...

Wow! My first thought was "when did she have time to study ballet?" I'm glad I read on before I killed myself.

jon and whit said...

i want that to happen to me. that's like the coolest thing ever.

Whitney said...

you totally could have been center stage if you were a ballerina....remember when you showed this to me at work and i was like, great pic of you allison. wait, what? it's NOT YOU! you totally tricked me!

Cyndi said...

That is HILARIOUS! It totally looks like you.

The Staggs said...

Wait...that's ME. Haha. Too funny. I knew I really had a twin and my parents lied to me. Add us to your blog--we can now be friends.