Nice picture, non? Excellent luck with the ask-a-stranger shot.
This was literally the extent of the trip. A little browsing (not shopping - the Furniss ladies don't shop well in resort towns. We're cheap. In the kindest sense of the word, Mom.), some delicious meals, hiking at Jenny Lake, randomly running into cousin Brandon on the trail, randomly seeing his lovely wife - Jessica - at church, (church and the trail are probably a good place to happen upon these relatives, so the chance meetings' odds were decent) pretending to push Allison off bridges, the usual.
Great fam picture!
wow, first off, the random pic by the stranger was amazing! not only did you guys look great but the scenery is incredible! second, i am glad to see you really know where God's country is! ;) and third, you two look fantastic in wyo! go wyo!
Awwwwww... that stranger picture looked actually pretty dang sweet. Nice work!
Ah hah I love it! Love the family picture as well...especially love the bridge scene... Teh heh.
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