We made a daytrip to Fire Island with the Smiths and Cromars. And while the summer cold made for an achy bod and a confusing exchange with a waitress, it was not enough to put a damper on beach time with a few of our favorites. In moving out here, I never really thought of the city in terms of nearby beaches. But yes, as a matter of fact, we are near the water. How's that for weekend recreation and also an explanation of early colonization of the area?

The next weekend, Wheelers indulged us by joining in on our free/last-minute (typical.) plans - a Friday night showing of BIG at the Hudson River Park. I have two very salient memories from watching that movie as a kid - the trampoline in the loft and the scene where he cries himself to sleep at the seedy hotel in the theater district. In fact, if you're one of the people I've spoken with lately about NYC's dramatic transformation in the last few decades, this is usually the scene I'm picturing when I discuss the NYC in the '80s. What evidently did NOT stick from my childhood viewing of BIG was the love scene and story - i.e. a major point of the plot. A majorly awkward point of the plot.
We also took a trip up to the Bronx for an afternoon at the zoo with Hydes and Arnetts. We appreciated Arnetts' little guy for lending a little credibility to our cause by bringing down the mean age of the group.
And this weekend, we were delighted with a surprise visit from the Morrises. Ashlee and I were roommates during the DC chapter, and she and her husband Nate are still there tearin' up that town. We enjoyed lots of great conversation, statistically-improbable stories about Nate's lineage, no-strings-attached free bowling and the best Indian cuisine we've had in the city.
Back up. Free bowling? Why, yes. We were perusing a street fair in the Village when a giant bowling pin approached bearing free bowling tickets. No strings attached. I know what you're thinking... "but Allison, where they really get you is the shoes." No. Also free. Nearly the perfect diversion for four wanders, except that -- hitch -- all of us were in sandaled feet. No socks and bowling shoes? Pass. But leave it to the street fair to solve all our problems with the socks and underwear booth.
$2 and three pairs of ankle socks later (that's all I had in cash, and that socks salesman drives a hard bargain. Noah just ended up bowling in his street shoes.), we were bowlers. We bowled.
We didn't realize we had a ringer in our midst until Nate divulged his deepest, darkest secret: South Carolina state CHAMPION in doubles bowling. With his grandfather. That is the swagger of a man who knows his way 'round the alley.
Which is why Noah earned some serious bragging rights when he came out victorious. That is the stance of a man who beats the South Carolina state champion in doubles bowling.
It did get me thinking... Nate, was grandpa the weaker link? If so, no disrespect to grandpa, but you and Noah could pair up and really show SC a thing or two. Just sayin'.