It's a shame we were so hard to look at during this time in our lives.

(Belgium; circa 1999)
(I'm sorry, Ashley, to drag you down with me. But I know we both agree. Though, your awkward skinny stage was a heck of a lot cuter than my bad haircut and post-impacted cuspids surgery stage.)
So Noah and I made a return trip - if for no other reason, but to have pictures I could look at without laughing.
Updates are forthcoming...
You. Are. Dead. Is this what you wanted to chat about earlier? Because there is no way I would have endorsed publishing this picture!!! In fact, I saw that the Bea's had tagged you in it on facebook and I was thanking my lucky stars they hadn't tagged me!
Revenge is mine.
I have a truly fantastic picture of you both that you are welcome to, Ashley. Revenge would so be yours.
Can't wait to see your Europe pictures, Allison!
Awwwww, that picture is cute.
Ha! I love it.
Just love it you beautiful girls.
can. not. wait. to see your photos!! ;)
Ash! I wouldn't have posted it if I thought you looked worse than I do :). I think I've already exacted my own revenge... against... myself.
Do your worst.
No - actually, Melissa's comment makes me nervous. Maybe don't do your worst.
someone posted that on facebook? it is not half as bad as the pure nastiness "friends" have posted of me of my past, but c'mon. it is nice to know, though, that you two actually HAD ugly stages. they probably lasted a few months, i bet.
Awesome. This picture is AWESOME.
I laughed out loud at this... I LOVE it. Have you seen the pics of me (slightly younger than you here) with the SAME hair cut? We. Were. Cool. Love this pic, and can't wait to see the new you! Also sorry I never responded to your gchat about a pkg! Anything you send will be great (just not nuts!). :)
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