Friday, June 13, 2008

I Wear My Sunglasses At Night

...or at least indoors in the case of the Gov'na. Noah spotted Mr. Hunstman himself as we dined at Mazza's at 9th and 9th last night. He was wearing his sunglasses in a very going-incognito way. But it's hard not to stand out when your wife looks like Barbie. And you run the state.


Ashley said...

"He he, 'Ello Gov'na." Please tell me you know what I'm refering to. If not, let me know, it's a funny story.

Melissa said...

You are so hilarious Al, I love reading your blog. I love your 'posers' post, so funny. What it would be like to live closer and be a more active part in your fun lives. You guys crack me up! And Noah's hair could probably not get any better than fro-like and held up by a sweat band. Way to rock it!! He and Jon would be good good friends I feel. Any plans to come to DC anytime soon? Miss you like crazy...

Whitney said...

she totally looks like barbie! and she needs to eat-power in you baby! so my question is, did you actually SEE her eating? ;)

candace said...

so...where are the photos of the food???