If you recall, several months ago I found my profile twin.
That in and of itself is impressive enough.
But folks, profile twin and I have outdone ourselves. Turns out we know someone in common. I work with profile twin's brother. He noticed the photo on Facebook. We MET (via cyberspace). Now we're Facebook friends and blog buddies.
And the power of social networking continues to astound.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Incidentally, We Have A Lovely SLC Condo Available
I have a hunch very few of our eleven readers are in the market/interested in rental properties in the Salt Lake City metropolitan area right now. But we are planning to hang on to our place for now, so our home is up for rent. If anyone is interested or knows of someone who may be, please feel free to pass along the link to this handy blog I set up detailing (and detailing, and detailing) the place.
Noah and I have yet to host a raucous party (unless you count our rootbeer drinking games at our St. Patty's Day Family Home Evening party), throw a fist or a teenage heiny through a wall (this has happened, just not in any place we've ever rented) or run around in stillettos on hardwood in any place we've ever rented. So we're hoping positive karma works in our favor when it comes to finding a renter.
Please also accept this blog in lieu of condo photos we never posted when we moved in six months ago.
Here's a sneak peek to whet your palette...

Thursday, November 13, 2008
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